What is ANYO Labs?

ANYO Labs is a vibrant and dynamic small start-up developing and using AI-based software in drug discovery. Sprung out of research from University of Gothenburg, ANYO Labs was formed in December 2022, and work in close connection with Chalmers Ventures and CO-AX at the Sahlgrenska Science Park. We currently function as a CRO with “AI as a service”, and provide drug discovery services to the Pharma industry, Biotech start-ups and Academic institutions/research groups. AI in Drug discovery is a vibrant field where publication as well as funding is growing exponentially to reach a total market of $4 bn in the next four years. ANYO Labs is on a mission to challenge the status quo and become a prominent actor in delivering cutting edge tools and services in this space.

Why work at ANYO Labs?

Open Roles:

Drug hunter - Computational Bio/Chemist

Intern - AI/ML Engineer